10 February 2011

Volunteer at Grain Coastal Park

I've mentioned previously the excellent work being carried out by the Kent Wildlife Trust at Grain Beach - or Grain Coastal Park as it is now becoming known.

With members of the community giving up their spare time to help out, the Trust is busy clearing paths and scrub, erecting fences and new signs, weeding, litter-picking and generally improving the overall environment.

I went along to the latest monthly volunteer day last Sunday. I was given the task of clearing overgrown paths that had long since been covered over. Whilst I wouldn't think of myself as 'green fingered' or experienced in this sort of work, I had a really great time. I was given instructions on what to do and it was a good way of using up unspent energy and to get some fresh air.

I was only able to help out in the afternoon on Sunday, but next month I'll try to make sure I can be there the whole day.

With the backing of Grain Parish Council and Medway Council, the Kent Wildlife Trust is meeting at Grain Coastal Park every month to continue their work. The next opportunity to lend a hand is on Sunday 6 March, from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm (meeting at the beach car park). There are further sessions being organised on 3 April, 1 May, 5 June and 3 July.

For more information, contact Paul Pearce (Kent Wildlife Trust) on 01622 662012 or send an email here.