To ensure our historic environment takes a central role in the strategic decisions that will shape any future development, English Heritage has stated that they hope to increase the knowledge and understanding of the development and historic aspects of the local landscape.
English Heritage are in the process of carrying out a wide-ranging analysis of the local landscape and last year formed the Hoo Peninsula Growth Area Historic Landscapes project. Essentially, this project will supply partners and stakeholders with information explaining the importance of the Hoo Peninsula’s historic landscape, to ensure there is an improved basis for management and decision-making.
The first phase of the project commenced in October 2009 and is set for completion next month. The process has involved the collection of information about the area's historic environment. It is hoped this project will underline the importance of the Hoo Peninsula’s landscape, so that it can be appreciated by the widest possible audience.
Photograph: Copyright, English Heritage.NMR
More information about this project can be obtained by visiting the English Heritage website.